How To Edit Related Posts Element In MonaWP Theme

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In WordPress, customizing related posts settings can enhance user experience and engagement. Here’s a breakdown of each option available under Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts:


Related Posts Count

  • Description: Adjust the number of related posts displayed.
  • Usage: Move the slider to set the desired count of related posts.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Similar Posts Title

  • Description: Customize the title displayed above related posts.
  • Usage: Enter the desired title text.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Sort Related Posts By

  • Description: Determine the criteria for sorting related posts.
  • Usage: Select from options like Random, Date, Comment Count, and Title.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Related Posts Taxonomy

  • Description: Choose the taxonomy for related posts.
  • Usage: Select from options like Categories, Tags, or both.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Display Date

  • Description: Toggle to display or hide the publication date of related posts.
  • Usage: Check or uncheck the box to toggle display.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Display Excerpt

  • Description: Toggle to display or hide the excerpt of related posts.
  • Usage: Check or uncheck the box to toggle display.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Display Author

  • Description: Toggle to display or hide the author of related posts.
  • Usage: Check or uncheck the box to toggle display.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Display Category

  • Description: Toggle to display or hide the category of related posts.
  • Usage: Check or uncheck the box to toggle display.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Display Tags

  • Description: Toggle to display or hide the tags of related posts.
  • Usage: Check or uncheck the box to toggle display.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Display Comments Count

  • Description: Toggle to display or hide the count of comments on related posts.
  • Usage: Check or uncheck the box to toggle display.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Thumbnail Size

  • Description: Choose the size of thumbnails displayed for related posts.
  • Usage: Select from predefined thumbnail sizes.
  • Location: Customize -> Elements -> Related Posts.


Customizing these options allows you to tailor the appearance and content of related posts to suit your website’s style and user preferences.

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