How To Replace Similar Posts Title With A Custom Code Snippet

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Use MonaWP filters to replace pieces of theme with your own custom code.

Install a custom code inserter plugin like

Add custom PHP code by going to Code Snippets -> Add New -> Add Your Custom Code . Then paste the following code and make sure its set on PHP and not other language.

Click to copy:

// Define filter function to replace the title with something else
function replace_similar_posts_title($title) {
return 'Something Else';
add_filter('monawp_similar_posts_title_html_filter', 'replace_similar_posts_title', 10, 1);


Code Explanation: Replacing the Title of Similar Posts

The provided code snippet demonstrates how to use WordPress hooks and filters to modify the title of similar posts.

The first part defines a filter function, replace_similar_posts_title, which takes the original title as input and replaces it with the text “Something Else”.

The second part hooks this filter function into the monawp_similar_posts_title_html_filter filter, ensuring that whenever this filter is applied within the theme or plugin, the title will be replaced with “Something Else”.

The filter is given a priority of 10, which is the default, and expects one parameter, the title string.

This allows developers to easily customize the output of similar posts titles without directly altering the theme’s core files.


Remove Similar Posts Title

Click to copy:

// Define filter function to replace the title with something else
function replace_similar_posts_title($title) {
return '';
add_filter('monawp_similar_posts_title_html_filter', 'replace_similar_posts_title', 10, 1);


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