Tailoring Main Content Layout: MonaWP Theme

Read Time ~ 2 minutes

In your endeavor to fine-tune the layout of your main content area with MonaWP themes, delve into the following customizable options found under Customize -> Main Content -> Layout:


Horizontal Padding

  • Objective: Adjusts the space between the main content area and its surrounding elements horizontally.
  • Customization: Utilize the slider to set the desired padding value.
  • Location: Customize -> Main Content -> Layout.


Vertical Padding

  • Objective: Defines the vertical spacing between the main content area and adjacent elements.
  • Customization: Slide the control to set the preferred vertical padding dimension.
  • Location: Customize -> Main Content -> Layout.


Horizontal Margin

  • Objective: Determines the space between the main content area and its adjacent elements horizontally.
  • Customization: Adjust the slider to set the horizontal margin to your liking.
  • Location: Customize -> Main Content -> Layout.


Vertical Margin

  • Objective: Specifies the vertical space between the main content area and its surrounding elements.
  • Customization: Slide the control to set the desired vertical margin dimension.
  • Location: Customize -> Main Content -> Layout.



  • Objective: Sets the width of the main content area.
  • Customization: Utilize the slider to define the desired width percentage.
  • Location: Customize -> Main Content -> Layout.


These settings offer comprehensive control over the layout and spacing of the main content area across your entire website, unless overridden by individual page settings.

By leveraging MonaWP themes’ flexible customization features, you can craft a visually appealing and user-friendly main content layout tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

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